Thursday, August 5, 2010

Baby Shower Bash #2 Splish Splash in the TummyTub

Tummy Tub

I know we all have pictures of our newborns in their newborn bathtubs or sinks screaming their heads off. It's cold, they aren't covered all of the way and they hate it. I made Jon give Violet her first bath because I hate it so much! I feel so horrible. I would give anything to not have to go through that experience for the first couple of weeks.

When I was sent a TummyTub to review, I was so excited! I don't have a newborn yet, but my Hubby and I are working on #3! I did get to try this tub out on my 18 month old daughter and the results were awesome! I think those flat bath tubs feel unnatural to a newborn baby who has been all scrunched up inside a belly for 9 months. We always talk about the benefits of swaddling and how they like to be bundled up to mimic being inside the womb. It makes perfect sense to me that they would want the same experience in water.

When I received my TummyTub I was shocked. For whatever reason, I didn't think it would be as big as it was! I took it out of the box and my baby wanted to get right inside. I put her in and carried her around in it as a joke and when I went to take her out she screamed at me. She loved being in there and fit in it perfectly. For some reason I thought she would be too big for it, even though they say its great from birth to age 3!

I recorded our TummyTub Journey to show you all and then I will talk about all of it's wonderful benefits!

We started out by eating dinner and making a horrible mess:

I got the bath water ready. The TummyTub has a water fill line on it and you don't need much at all:

Then I plopped her little butt in!

She loooooved being in there. The first time was a little like "what is going on here", but now she loves it and I cannot wait to use this on a newborn from day one!

All clean!(and so ornery):

And look how cute their butts look in the TummyTub!

I also took a short video of my Violet in hers!

I absolutely adore the TummyTub, but let me give you some of the benefits:

- Babies can relax into the familiar fetal position
- It is made out of a soft, baby-friendly material
- Babies can be immersed up to their shoulders and so they stay warm longer(love this!)
- Especially recommended for premature babies
- It is great for babies who get colic/gassy.

- Stress-free!
- Easy handling of baby
- Lightweight even when it is full!(I have had c-sections so this is especially important for me!)
- Ergonomic hand grips!
- Takes up way less space than a regular baby bath
- The wide rim at the top is great for arm rests for Moms and Dads

- Polypropylene allows for easy viewing of baby
- Easy handling of babies makes it safer
- No harmful substances
- No sharp edges
- Very stable!!
- Anti-skid Base

- Fully recyclable
-Uses MUCH less water(Love!)
- Saves energy

I love that I can use this as a big flower pot when my babies no longer need it!

The TummyTub has my love and recommendation for every parent out there. Bathing is so much easier with this baby!

For more FAQs about the TummyTub go here.

To buy your very own TummyTub, check out or go here to see where you can buy one!

TummyTub sells for $44.98 on Amazon!

I just want to give a HUGE thanks to the lovely people over at TummyTub for this exceptional review opportunity!

Disclaimer: I received free product to review. I was not paid to write this and all opinions are my own!

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