All About The Conner Family

Hi! I'm Danielle, a 28 year old wife and mom to 4. Come along with my family and I on this crazy ride called life. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and we are who we are because of things that have happened to us. I am not the same mother today that I was 7 years ago and I am so thankful for that. I believe in growing, learning and changing. I want to teach my kids that change is a GOOD thing. We are always changing and hopefully becoming better versions of ourselves. I try not to judge others and I teach my children not to judge as well. We are all different and we all deserve to be who we are without others putting us down. 

One of my favorite quotes ever is, "People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they aren't on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost." - Dalai Lama

We are a fun-loving little family in the desert of Tucson, Arizona. We spend our weekends doing family things like going on hikes, to the zoo, ballet, bowling and anything else we can come up with. Family is everything to us and we really make an effort to respect each other and love unconditionally. Our lifelong dream is to move out of Arizona and buy a farm. We really want to eventually live off grid and have our own slice of Earth. Call me a hippie! I married the love of my life, Jon, on May 27, 2006 and our life together has been one amazing adventure. We currently have 4 kids and here is a little bit about each of them:

Michael - My first born. He made me a mother and he is the sweetest boy a mom could ever ask for. He is quiet and a thinker. He doesn't like to get messy but he's never had a problem trying things outside of his comfort zone. I am so proud of him for that. I am proud of him for being who HE is and not who he thinks he should be. He is a Minecraft and lego loving little guy and the best big brother any kid could ask for. He looks after everyone in the house and is extremely emotional. He has always been an emotional kid. He isn't afraid to cry or show how he is feeling and I just love him to pieces. He is an amazing artist and has recently started bowling, which totally suits him. He's not a football kind of kid, he's too sweet and loving for a sport so rough.

Violet - Oh my sweet little 5 year old wildflower. She is definitely the biggest sweetheart ever, but she is also firey and stubborn. She keeps me on my toes and sometimes I find myself in a place of wanting to cuddle her and strangle her at the same time. She is STRONG and loving. She is definitely a mother hen type figure and also helps look after everyone in the house. She has a huge heart and is the first one willing to jump in and help. Violet needs a LOT of positive reinforcement and if you give it to her, she is 100% easy going and willing to help. Point out something she is doing wrong and you get a whole different side! She is sweet, sassy and silly and I'd never change her. I always say she is going to be a strong woman someday even if the road getting there is rough for me. One thing I've had to learn with her is if the way she wants to do something will not change our outcome, I let her do things HER way. That pretty much sums her up - she has her own ideas and she WILL do things her own Violet way. I love how headstrong and sure of herself she is.

Josie - My sweet 3 year old Josie bear. This girl can cuddle like no one else on the planet and has managed to wrap her daddy around her finger because of it. I can truly say she was the first of our kids to be a daddy's kid and boy is she ever. When she is hurt she wants HIM, not me. She is imaginative, playful, happy and silly. Man is this kid ever silly. She laughs and jokes more than any other kid I know and it is amazing and refreshing. I literally laugh all day long because of her. I hope she always stays so innocent and silly because it is amazing. However, there is a dark side to Josie. The side I call Darth Josie lol. She is also the first of our kids to ever try to harm any of the other kids and when she is mad, she is MAD. Josie is the happiest kid EVER...until she isn't lol and then you get her wrath. She's pretty amazing and I cant wait to see her grow into more of the person she is.

Lawson - This one year old is the opposite of his big brother! Michael never got into anything and never put a thing in his mouth. None of our kids ever climbed on anything or tried to harm themselves. Enter Lawson. This kids amazes me every day. He is CURIOUS and it makes me smile, but then he climbs on tables and makes me scared all in the same breath. I love his adventurous spirit and let me tell you, this kids is HAPPY. I hardly ever see him NOT smiling. And his smile is utterly contagious. I see him smile and I instantly have to smile too. He is also a huge cuddle bug and I hope he stays that way too. We are currently still breastfeeding and I hope that journey can continue for quite a bit longer. It's amazing how much he has changed even in the last month and I cant wait to see the little toddler he becomes. He fits right into our happy family and I am so truly blessed.

People ask me ALL the time if we are going to have more kids. It makes us laugh. We currently plan on having 2 more kids. I know this is shocking to many people! However, we don't plan on having another baby until my husband is closer to being done with school. He graduates at the end of 2016, so Lawson will be 3 - 3 1/2 when the next one comes along. This is another reason we want at least two more, so they can be closer in age. The bottom line is we are open to life and we cant ever imagine doing anything permanent. We aren't overly religious people but we feel like this feeling was placed on both of our hearts. I can truly say I would never want to give back any of my blessings and I cant imagine life without them. I know I'd feel the same with more kids.

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1 comment :

  1. Hi, I have a question about your site. Would you mind emailing me back when you get a chance?

