My last 3 commitments(for now!):
Simple Green
Ice Pop Joy
All 3 of them have been started and just need finished. I plan on getting them done in the next couple of days because my sister in law and her husband will be here this weekend to meet Josie and have some fun in the sun!
June 5th-17th my husband will be in MN for work, so I don't want to be blogging while he is gone. I will already be home alone with 3 kids lol.
I am also picking my Curly Cue winner and extending the Kiki's Fashions and SwaddleDesigns giveaways because I have had trouble promoting them! Online Sweepstakes was giving me trouble and then Prizey. I am going to try to promote them tonight as long as they let me on!
Other than that, everything will be quiet on my blog until things settle down for us. This year has been an absolute roller coaster and I feel so bad for not keeping up with this blog as well as I have in the past! Preterm labor and then giving birth will do that to a person, I guess!
My husband and I are also looking into buying our first home! Any advice on this topic would be greatly appreciated.
Even though I wont have many giveaways going on this Summer, I will keep posting personal updates, pictures, wordless Wednesdays, etc. The blog is not disappearing, just slowing down a little bit this Summer. We just have way too much on our plate for me to do tons of reviews and giveaways. I AM hoping to have a big giveaway in July/August though :)
Thanks to everyone for sticking by me and entering the giveaways I HAVE posted! Keep your eyes peeled for those posts here tonight/tomorrow!
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