I am so excited to have Simple Green back on my blog. They are a company I absolutely adore being affiliated with and love even more when it comes to getting my house clean! I reviewed the Simple Green Naturals Collection on my blog last year and when I was contacted to work with them againt his year, I of course, said yes! I mean it when I say I am a customer for life. My husband has already bought huge jugs(1 gallon size!) of Simple Green from Home Depot and I know they wont be our last ones!
I was sent a 67 ounce bottle of the concentrate and a Simple Green spray bottle. The object here is to dilute the concentrate in the spray bottle. I LOVE this. You get so much more for your money and less plastic packaging polluting the world. I have said it before and I will say it again. Plastic will never ever decompose. It will always be on this planet. I love companies who offer their products in concentrated form to avoid all the unnecessary packaging! This gives me one more reason to love Simple Green.
As soon as we received our package, my husband had it ripped open and ready to use immediately. He may be a bigger Simple Green fan than I am! We both love using this cleaner for a wide variety of cleaning purposes in our house. I dont have a favorite purpose for it because we literally use it on everything from kitchen counters to bathroom sinks to high chairs! We have one product that has dozens of uses and we dont have a cupboard full of cleaners anymore. I know for a fact my husband would rather always have this cleaner on hand than have to worry about buying bottles and bottles of stuff that clutter our home and dont work as well!
The concentrated Simple Green is non-toxic, biodegradable, non-hazardous, non-flammable and non-corrosive. I have three children and my number one priority is their safety. Knowing that I am using a safe cleaner give me one less thing to worry about. Having a new baby makes me ultra paranoid that the surfaces in my home be clean and non-toxic. I love having a go-to product that I can count on.
If there is any doubt in your mind as to whether Simple Green is a safe product, listen to this:
The makers of this fabulous product spent over $3 millon to verify it's safety claims and formulation. Lucky for us, they had it right from the very start. It is an environmentally-sensitive non-toxic cleanser/degreaser!
It can be used to clean everything from floors and walls to pots and pans. Yes, I said pots and pans! Now that is a cleanser I know I can trust. I wouldn't trust ANY conventional household cleaner on my pots and pans, but I HAVE used Simple Green on them. I love that I can clean my windows with this and my husband adores than he can clean every greasy tool he owns. And get this mamas, you can even use Simple Green to presoak your laundry!
Simple Green gets out stains from things like lipstick, dirt, grease, oil, pet stains, coffee, juice, blood, adhesives and much more. This bad boy even gets out breastfed baby poop stains!
Check out the Simple Green Uses and Dilutions Chart to see what you can use it for! Also check out the Where to Buy section of their site to see the many retailers that carry Simple Green. I know they sell it at Home Depot!
We cannot say enough about the family of Simple Green products. I say "we" because my husband is just as crazy about them as I am and that is something that makes me even happier. I dont have to worry about him using a horrendous chemical filled cleaner in our home because he loves what I love!
Bonus: I did NOT receive the Simple Green Oxy Dog and Stain and Odor Oxidizer for review, but we DID purchase it on our own when we got our family dog in February and we think it is fabulous! It was the first product my husband reached for at PetsMart when we needed a pet stain solution. I am being 100% truthful when I say we didn't even bother trying out any other product and only bought this! Once again, we were thrilled with our choice!
An extra bonus for us is that Simple Green products are made in the USA and you wont find better customer service anywhere!
I want to say a HUGE thank you to the fabulous people over at Simple Green for this product review! Keep up the awesome work!
Please excuse my lack of pictures. I cannot for the life of me figure out my new laptop and what the deal is with pictures not posting right! If anyone thinks they can offer me assistance, PLEASE let me know!
Disclaimer: I received free product to review. I was not paid to write this and all opinions are my own!
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