Hi my loves!
I know I kind of went MIA on this blog. Life just got away from me and I lost my way. The thing is, I really miss blogging and social media in general. I feel like this is my niche and where I belong. I've made a firm decision to blog daily and publish useful content for you guys. I may still do reviews, I may not. I am not sure how I feel about being a review blog anymore. I really want to take this space in a whole new direction. I want to post about my family, who I am, what I love doing and anything I can post that might help others.
I guess that is what it comes down to for me - helping others. I want to be a blessing in peoples' lives, an encouragement. I hope I can be an encouragement through this blog and all other forms of social media I offer. I really want this blog to succeed and I know it can with your guys' help!
As far as my new business directions go, I've signed on with the Scensty company and I am very excited about it. There WILL be Scentsy posts on here, as I really want to be a blessing to anyone looking for information. This company is all about positivity and being generous and gracious with others. I am hoping I can publish useful information and tips for other Scentsy consultants. I signed up with Scentsy not to be rich, but as a hobby and something for me. Being a mom of 4 doesn't leave me with very much me time, as you all know by my blog neglect. But no more. I plan on pouring my heart and soul into this blog, my social media accounts, Scentsy and any other directions I find myself. I really want to open my own Etsy shop and sell bath and body products. Fingers crossed I can accomplish that by the end of the year!
So what does all this mean for my blog and for you guys? Here is a sampling of some of the many themes you will now find on my blog:
Essential Oil Posts - I am obsessed with essential oils right now, they have changed my life. Let me show you how to use them and what recipes kick serious butt.
Homeschool - I am a homeschooling mama and I am so proud of that fact. I absolutely love watching my little ones learn and grow! Be prepared for me to share all about our Conner Homeschool. I will be posting about our curriculum choices, how I teach certain subjects, my planner, our homeschool room and many other topics.
Paleo Diet - Yes! We are Paleo and loving every second of it. We have only been at it a few months now, but I really want to share this journey as well. I'll share with you the highs and lows of Paleo living and I'll also share some recipes too!
Breastfeeding - I am 100% a breastfeeding advocate! I have breastfed all of my babies for at least a year and the longest was 2 years. I am currently nursing my 12 month old son and we are still going strong. I want to share some of my breastfeeding tips, tricks and sanity savers as well as document my breastmilk donating journey. I am currently pumping up a storm to reach my goal of donating 300 ounces. I would love to share this journey with others and I hope I can inspire someone else to donate breastmilk. It is such a blessing.
Day in the Life - Ever wonder how a semi large family works? Well, let me fill you all in! It's crazy and silly and full of love around here on a daily basis. I plan on documenting our days in a life periodically on this blog.
Summer Events - Follow us around the hot Arizona desert this summer and see what we are up to! We are also planning a big trip to Oregon and the redwoods!
Scentsy - Like I said, I will be posting about Scentsy on my blog. It's a huge part of my life right now and I want to be successful. Don't worry though, I am posting information only. I promise not to be pushy. There will be buttons on my blog if you are interested in buying anything or signing up with me. I have an amazing team of girls! You wont be seeing posts begging anyone to buy or sign up, only information. I will post the monthly specials and any tutorials for other Scentsy consultants. I plan on making a Scentsy tab on my blog where these types of posts will be listed. If this is not something you are interested in, please just skip by it.
Cloth Diapering - I will be posting a ton of cloth diapering 101 posts on this blog. I have been cloth diapering for 5 years and I am going strong. Let me introduce you to the types of diapers out there, my favorites, what my stash looks like and the best places to find great deals!
WAHM Tips - As I navigate working from home and being a busy mama, I am hoping I can share my successes and failures with other moms in my shoes. I hope I can actually help someone out there! Anything I learn along the way will be shared :)
Videos - Any youtube videos I make will also be imbedded in a blog post on here. I am pretty camera shy, so come say hi! And please bare with me while I get more comfortable in front of the camera!
Giveaways! - One giveaway I can guarantee is a monthly Scentsy giveaway! I will be sponsoring my own monthly Scentsy giveaway and there will be multiple ways to enter and tons of extra entries. Keep your eyes peeled for my very first Scentsy giveaway! For the next week or so I plan on revamping my blog and updating all my information and links and then it will go live. Subscribe by email to keep up with when it will be posted!
I am sure there will be tons more featured on this blog including natural living tips and tricks, my favorite green brands, a whole series about our garden in the desert, and much much more.
Thank you all for sticking around. I am so proud of all the subscribers I have and so happy so many have stayed subscribed. All I can hope is that I do not disappoint anyone in my new journeys. Life is about personal growth, love and helping others and I hope to show all of those things on this blog!
Until tomorrow,
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